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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 73.0%

A:   1050   Joined
B:   389   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

5 live in Alabama
3 live in Alaska
39 live in Arizona
6 live in Arkansas
116 live in California
64 live in Colorado
11 live in Connecticut
2 live in Delaware
4 live in District Of Columbia
63 live in Florida
15 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
489 live in Illinois
13 live in Indiana
5 live in Iowa
3 live in Kansas
4 live in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
7 live in Maine
14 live in Maryland
30 live in Massachusetts
21 live in Michigan
16 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
16 live in Missouri
7 live in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
7 live in Nevada
5 live in New Hampshire
14 live in New Jersey
17 live in New Mexico
32 live in New York
15 live in North Carolina
9 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
16 live in Oregon
17 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
6 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
13 live in Tennessee
33 live in Texas
8 live in Utah
2 live in Vermont
11 live in Virginia
27 live in Washington
40 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Alberta
2 live in British Columbia
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Argentina
2 live in Australia
1 lives in Austria
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1 lives in New Zealand
1 lives in Norway
1 lives in Panama
1 lives in Poland
1 lives in Portugal
1 lives in Sweden
2 live in Switzerland
1 lives in Thailand
1 lives in Turkey
1 lives in Uganda
4 live in United Kingdom
82 location unknown


•   Steven F. Wright  10/6
•   Chris Ball  8/29
•   Jamie Sherman  8/2
•   Anthony F. Wolf  8/2
•   Jan A. Nielsen (Klosky)  8/1
•   Frank R. Wollaeger  7/11
•   Elizabeth A. Kinney  6/26
•   Harriet Skom (Meyer)  1/13
•   John Anthony (Jack) Krier  12/25
•   Jayne Lilienfeld (Jones)  12/19
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•   Richard Baughman  10/22
•   David Harrington  10/22
•   Jack Robert Silverman  10/22
•   Thornton F. White  10/22
•   Helene Dedes (Lambruschi)  10/23
•   Thomas Hartz  10/23
•   Jed Morris  10/25
•   Steven M. Zaleski  10/25
•   Bonnie Sue Bennett (Yohe)  10/27
•   Ellen Farnsworth (Wilhelm)  10/27
•   Harriet Skom (Meyer)  10/27
•   Anthony F. Wolf  10/27
•   Eric James  10/29
•   Richard Olson (Olson)  10/29
•   Barry A. Gross  10/30
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New Trier East and West High Schools

If you were there, please share. 

Add your photos to the photo album entitled Upload your Photos. Just click on the Photo Gallery link in the left hand yellow menu bar and look for the folder entitled Upload your Photos. Then follow directions. 


Wasn't that fun?!

Shall we do it again for our 55th in '26?

Give us at least a year to rest from this one.

Stay tuned. 


Walter Radloff, Chair 

And the New Trier 50th Reunion Committee Members: Margaret Peggy Smith (Heinzen), Kim (Bjork) Lykins, Dana (Albers) Savocchi, Diane (Batten) Manning, Alison (Brenner) Feldman, Andrea (Donnellan) White, Florence (Goldstein) Present, Jayne (Lilienfeld) Jones, David Robertson, Ken Roffe, Richard Christian, Jr., David Beck, Debbie (Leavitt) Roof, Susan Woldenberg, Betsy (Scott) Kimmel, Abbie (Halperin) Schuetze, Margaret Sundlof, Barry Gross, Mariette (Holdredge) Blackett, Betsy (Rothermel) Cheatum, Jamie (Lillienthal) Brooks, and Marilyn Barrett.


For you 1971's NTE - memories of NTE basketball and life lessons. check out the link here. hope it works or copy /paste
GameChangers on Vimeo

Dear All NTE classmates of 1971,

Unfortunately, I cannot attend 50+1 year reunion as planned. I hope everyone will have a great time together.

If possible, please share pictures of you and NTE with me. I really miss you all.

You can reach me at

Thank you.

PONG (AFS student from Thailand)